Republicans say they are in favor
Republicans say they are in favor of equal pay for women's work, but they haven't articulated their alternatives to the Democrats' bill. Instead they say women are already protected and argue that the gap isn't as big as the statistics say. But while it's true that many factors go into the gender wage gap, it can't be explained away and discrimination is likely at least partly to blame..
hd led display Child care workers are on the lookout for kids who don play with others or seem isolated. And World Vision representatives visit the families of troubled children to get the history and particular needs of those kids. If necessary, referrals are made to medical agencies for more specialized assistance.. hd led display
led screen Even if you just caught a glimpse of her, the moment tells you so much about Maya. For starters, she's one of the best players in the world on her way to becoming the greatest but she hasn't forgotten how she got there. She's still working hard, still consciously trying to improve her game.. led screen
led screen "I'm going to see basically everybody I can while I am here,"led screen he proclaims, a Coke with ice left untouched on the table. "You know, I never do anything that is pure fun anymore in my life. You are trying to meet customers and see different people when you come to things like this. led screen
outdoor led display Additional Daktronics equipment at the new stadium include an auxiliary LED video display measuring approximately 21 feet wide by 14 feet high, an additional 24 LED ticket window displays and eight locker room clocks. The new display system will be controlled by the proven Venus 7000 controller, V Link video processor and All Sport controller. United (RFK Stadium), and several international professional soccer stadium installations. outdoor led display
Die Schneefallgrenze drfte je nach Niederschlagsintensitt zwischen 1500 und 2000 Metern pendeln. Ein grosser Teil der Niederschlge gelangt dadurch in den Abfluss, was die Gefahr von Erdrutschen und berschwemmungen deutlich erhht. Die entsprechenden Warnungen sind auf der Warnseite von MeteoNews zu finden.
led screen Artful Legacy Retrospective at Ventura gallery When noted Northwest abstract expressionist painter Kathleen Gemberling Adkison died in 2010, she left a sizable cache of paintings. John VanDewerker, her son and executor of her estate, shares his mother legacy in an exhibition at the Buenaventura Gallery in Ventura.The show runs through Aug. 22 and complements the ongoing California Heritage Collection of early 20th century regional art. led screen
small led display Von Gool's great filmmaking feat in "Biting and Other Effects" and her other short films is not just her ability to effectively film the dazzling dancing for the screen. She expresses a story almost entirely through movement. In her 1998 film "Nussin" two couples one wearing sneakers and slippers, the other loafers and high heels dance the tango, and, appropriate to the stern yet sultry movements of tango, the wordless dancing among them leads to jealousy and murder.. small led display
hd led display Students used the Robinson clock to time the ringing of the campus bell, which signaled the start and stop of classes. But that system was replaced a few decades later by a new technology that allowed campus clocks and bells to be controlled by a single clock. That controller clock, used until the 1960s, is the restored version now hanging in the engineering office.. hd led display
small led display The genesis for Holiday Road came four years ago when Boyink hung thousands of LED (light emitting diode) lights from his Heather Court house, and created a light show synchronized to music broadcast over an FM radio channel. The show became an instant attraction and created traffic jams in and around the quiet neighborhood. The response was so overwhelming, Boyink had to pull the plug on the display early.. small led display
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